Current Valid CL1s/CL2s/CICs

Recognised Award Holders of Cave Leader 1 (CL1), Cave Leader 2 (CL2) and SUI Cave Instructor Certificate (CIC) holders

Holders of the CL1 and CL2 awards are required to:

  • Hold up to date SUI membership,
  • Hold a valid first aid certificate
  • Attend a revalidation event every 5 years

The complete list of current, recognised award holders is below. The list is fully comprehensive, and is correct as of May 2024.

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport has published guidelines on leadership in outdoor pursuits centres and adventure sports companies which includes a recommendation that only those with recognised qualifications should lead groups on adventure sports activities.

Leadership Pathway

The SUI Leadership Pathway operates with a logbook system, the training team will look at your logbook to establish your experience level and practice between courses and in preparation for assessment. A template digital logbook is available here (SUI Digital Logbook) for use by any caver.

Cave Leader 1

  • Cillian Burke
  • Conor Winchcombe
  • Damian Gribbin
  • Davy Walsh
  • Eszter Kaloczkai
  • Ethan Hanley
  • Jacqui McVicker
  • John Mallon
  • Magda Kluj
  • Mark Corps
  • Michelle Shannon
  • Peter Ward
  • Raymond Bell
  • Ronan Kane
  • Sean Corrigan
  • Tony Furnell

Cave Leader 2 (note that all Cave Leader 2 award holders will also hold the Cave Leader 1 award)

  • Adam De Eyto
  • Artur Lach
  • Colin Bunce
  • Eoghan Lynch
  • Eoghan Mullan
  • Jimmy Kelly
  • Liam McCarthy
  • Phil Walker
  • Seamus Breathnach
  • Stanislaw Drapala
  • Terry Casserly
  • Tim O’Connell
  • Una Donoghue

Cave Instructor Certificate

  • (currently in development)


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