2023 Memberships and SUI Training Events
SUI Membership for 2023
is available for purchase on JustGo right now. For those purchasing FFS cover along with their membership, purchase needs to be made before Friday, 16th December 2022, to guarantee cover begins on Sunday, 1st January 2023. Any FFS bought after 16th December will have cover starting by Saturday, 7th January 2023.
When purchasing membership from the JustGo website, please take care to select the correct membership year (either 2022 or 2023). If you have any questions regarding membership/insurance please don’t hesitate to contact the Membership officer (suimembership@gmail.com).
The SUI Training Team is pleased to announce the 2023 training calendar. Registration will be via JustGo only. Your registration is valid once the course fee has been paid during booking. Please make sure you will be able to participate before registering as there will be limited cancellation options. All course participants need to be SUI members for 2023.
The Cave Skills and Cave Leader 1 courses will be available on JustGo from Friday, 9th of December 2022. Locations for JustGo events for courses after April 2023 will be announced closer to the date.
The Training Team would also like to run a Cave Leader 1 assessment day and asks that all interested candidates please contact the Training officer (suitrainingofficer@gmail.com) and ensure they have their cave log ready.
SRT 3: This course will focus on self-rescue techniques. SRT 3 will benefit all experienced cavers who have done our SRT 2 course in the past.
All courses will follow a ‘first come, first served’ approach to registrants. The Training team hopes to see you underground in 2023!